Tuesday 26 March 2024

Easter Sunday

 Easter Sunday


A Psalm I often like to quote and refer to myself is Psalm 30 which says: Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. The Easter cycle begins at night – as we state each time we celebrate Holy Communion. On the night that he was betrayed – Jesus took bread and wine. From night it proceeds into deep and bitter darkness which sees at noon, darkness coming over the whole land until three in the afternoon. And then Jesus descending into the depths of hell cries out – my God, my God, why have you abandoned me. He is in the darkest of dark. The weight of the cross, the whipping, mocking, betrayal, abandonment, the darkness of the tomb – it seemed like all hope was lost.  But God, in his infinite wisdom, had a different plan that Jesus declared when he cried out his last words – “it is finished”.


The resurrection is a declaration of victory.   Where O death is your victory?  Thanks be to God who has given us the victory over death through Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus’ Resurrection is God's triumphal shout echoing through the ages, proclaiming victory over sin and death.   It's a testament to the power of love, a love that conquers all as Paul states in 1 Corinthians 13 – love never fails. This victory isn't just for Jesus; it's for all of us.  His resurrection assures us that death is not the end.  It offers the promise of eternal life, a life transformed by God's love. As Paul says in Romans 6: all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?  We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.


With death defeated, Easter Sunday is a call to us to break free from all our fears – the greatest of these fears being death: The things that hold us back – fear, doubt, negativity and to replace them with faith, hope and love which will remain.  To let the light of Christ's resurrection be the light that shatters the darkness within us and our community. The tears of night have passed and now the joy of morning has arrived.


Easter is a call to live differently.   To let the love of Christ fill our hearts with compassion, forgiveness, and love for others.   To be the light of Christ bringing hope in a world that often feels lost and trapped in the tears of night.  The wars, the climate fears, the racism, the continuing fears of Covid and other medical conditions. The worst that these can do to us have been defeated when Jesus rose on Easter Sunday morning to new life – victorious over death. Let us share the message of resurrection with those around us, spreading the joy and love that Christ so freely gave.


This Easter Sunday, let us celebrate not just the historical event from 2000 years ago, but the ongoing reality of Christ's presence in our lives.  Let his love be the guiding force in all we do.  Let us go forth with the same unwavering love that Jesus showed by refusing demands to ‘come down from the cross’. The world may be full of challenges, but the victory of Easter Sunday reminds us that we are not alone.  We have a God who loves us unconditionally, a God who conquered death, and a God who promises a future filled with hope. Let us celebrate, let us rejoice, let us live as Easter people – forever transformed by the power of the resurrection!


The cycle of Easter is the cycle of life for us. We have travelled through the valley of the shadow of death but we journey with Jesus to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Weeping may endure for the night but in the morning comes joy and that joy lasts forever.


Easter is not just another day. It is a coming face to face with Jesus who has completely triumphed over death. Today is the day to proclaim this fabulous news that the world needs to hear.  The Good News of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ – the light that overcomes all the darkness that life can entail.  Weeping has lasted only through the night but now the joy of Easter morning has arrived.

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